2016-2017 – Call for Executive Applicants

1. Call for applicants

Hello ASHRAE-ers!

Nominations for ASHRAE executive positions are now open! If you’d like to join the 2016-2017 executive group at U of T, make sure you fill out your nomination form:​ http://goo.gl/forms/9YdK2QStRW

This is a great opportunity to learn about the many areas of ASHRAE, network both in and outside of the University, engage in interesting activities, and of course, make a lot of great friends!

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! Hope to see many of you running! Application deadline is March 18th.


2. Lunch & Learn
Please join ASHRAE U of T for a opportunity to have lunch and learn about the indoor environment. Exact topic will be determined by participants at the beginning of the event. RSVP required. [insert eventbrite link]
When: Wednesday March 16th, 2016 @ 12-1pm
Where: BA B026
All the best,